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"Advanced Technician/Technical Inspector
in Pest Management ROI".
(3 Month Programme) January 2022 

Module 1

The IPM provision of Pest Management Services

Module 2

Management and Control of  Vertebrate Pests

Module 3

RSPH Level 3

Management and Control of Invertebrate Pests

Assessment is by written examination and the completion of assignments. Candidates will be expected to refer to successful pest management treatments that they have carried out when completing their assignments. Ability to make Inspection report recommendations building effective relationships with customers. All teaching will be based on current standards and Irish legislation.

Provisional Dates Training & Exam Dates 2021
 Pillo Hotel 
Module 1 (On Site)
Tuesday 12th October
Wednesday 13th October

   Module 1 Exam   
2.5 hrs 
 Wednesday 20th October (Exam)

Assignment Pre Brief
20th October 2021 

Module 2
Assignment submission by mid December 2021.

Module 3
Assignment submission by end of January 2022.

Advanced Technician Pest Management ROI

Pre Learning provided 4 weeks in Advance

 Expert Training includes:

Learning resources (provided at no extra cost)

 Morning Tea/Coffee

 Light lunch

Afternoon refreshments

Socially Distant room with suitable controls in place.

Course will run based on a minimum of 6 Candidates.






(All IN)

To reserve your place you must submit a booking form


Pre requisite is LANTRA Level 3 Trained Professional 

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